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Tax Office videos explain some work related expense claims

Have you been slow off the mark and still haven’t lodged your income tax return yet (or even better, made an appointment with your tax agent)?

It’s already September, so you’d better get cracking as the Tax Office expects all returns to be lodged by October 31 — although this is another reason why it’s better to use a tax agent, as they get an extension on the lodgement deadline.

Just in case however, the Tax Office has provided some simple explanatory work related expense claims videos to spell out some of the more common claims that taxpayers make.

Computer, phone or other electronic device If you are an employee and your workplace expects you to use your own computer, phone or some other electronic device for work purposes, you may be able to claim a deduction for your costs.

There are rules you need to check and records you need to keep, as explained in the following video (it’s one minute and 10 seconds long).

Transporting bulky tools and equipment Or you may be an employee who needs to transport bulky tools and other equipment between your home and your place of work. There are also rules to check for these claims, and records you need to keep. (Video is less than a minute.)

Overnight work-related expense claims If you are an employee and you are required to travel for work and stay away overnight, you may be able to claim a deduction for the cost. There are also rules here that you need to check, and records that may be necessary, as shown in the following video (one minute, 20 seconds).

Getting deductions right An employee may be able to claim various costs related to employment — as long as you follow the rules and keep appropriate records. Here’s a one minute video that spells it out.

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