The ATO has provided links to tips and advice for tax professionals about common errors, plus other topics of interest. Practical tips and advice for tax practitioners from the ATO
For your practice, find out about:
Where to find help for using the portalsClient list – checks to make before clients are removedReduce the risk of fraudDo you know how to spot a scam?
Regarding income tax, find out about:
Original or amendment?Private health insurance rebate claimsDeath of a clientTips for trustees of death benefits
And for activity statements, see the following for:
PAYGI activity statement variations and revisionsRevising activity statementsVarying activity statementsTips for getting activity statements rightFaster activity statement refundsNil activity statements must be lodgedPAYG reporting – common errors for rate payersChoose reporting options for PAYGI and GSTIReporting PAYG instalments on a company tax returnHelp your clients meet deferred GST obligationsSelling property using the margin scheme
Businesses can find out more about:
Claiming the small business income tax offsetTell the ATO about consolidated entitiesHave your clients made any consolidation changes?Selling or closing down a businessChoosing a payment option for your client
# [ATO], [easy tax], [income tax], [pracitioners], [tax], [tax deductions]