PCG 2018/3 Exempt car benefits and exempt residual benefits: compliance approach to determining private use of vehicles
LCR 2018/4 Purchaser’s obligation to pay an amount for GST on taxable supplies of certain real property
TR 2018/4 Income tax: effective life of depreciating assets (applicable from 1 July 2018)
WETR 2006/1 Wine equalisation tax: the operation of the producer rebate for producers of wine in New Zealand
TD 2018/12 Income tax: schemes that limit a taxable presence in Australia under section 177DA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 – meaning of ‘directly in connection with’
TR 2018/5 Income tax: central management and control test of residency
TD 2018/13 Income tax: Division 7A: can section 109T of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 apply to a payment or loan made by a private company to another entity (the ‘first interposed entity’) where that payment or loan is an ordinary commercial transaction?