Have you downloaded your free registered tax practitioner symbol? That’s great, if you have! If you haven’t, now is a great time to start using your symbol
From 1 to 30 June the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) will be targeting advertising to small businesses encouraging those who use a tax or BAS agent for their tax or business activity statement matters, to check that their agent is registered with the TPB. They will encourage small businesses to:
look for the registered tax practitioner symbol, and/orcheck the TPB Register.
The registered tax practitioner symbol provides tax practitioners with public recognition that they are registered with the TPB. It reassures taxpayers and businesses that you as a registered tax practitioner have the right qualifications and experience to look after their tax affairs.
You can download your registered tax practitioner symbol from the TPB website for use on a range of business materials, including websites, stationery, email signature blocks, brochures and business cards. When you display your symbol it must be with your registration type and registration number.
Visit www.tpb.gov.au/symbol and download your symbol now. You will need your username (registration number) and password to access the request form.
# [registered practitioner], [registration], [tax practitioners], [tpb]