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Attention: BAS agents! An extension of services

Updated: Jun 4, 2019

Attention: BAS agents! An extension of services. If you are a BAS agent registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB), you should be aware that you can provide services in the areas of FBT, GST/BAS and PAYG.

From 1 June 2016, the TPB has now extended the definition of a BAS service to enhance your offering and provide a better service to your clients.

Following consultation with external stakeholders the Tax Agent Services (Specified BAS Services)Instrument 2016 has now been registered.

The changes are:

Service related to payroll function or payment to contractorsPayment of superannuation guarantee and guarantee chargeOperation of superannuation contribution payments and reportingServices related to ABN application, ABN payment, verification and reportingSending a TFN declaration and giving a notice as required

Chair of the TPB Ian Taylor said: “We know there are services that are commonly provided by BAS agents that do not necessarily fall within the definition of a BAS service.”

“This legislative instrument now allows these to be included in the services that BAS agents can provide, without the requirement to be a registered tax agent.”

Remember that you must provide services in accordance with the Tax Agent Service Act 2009 and the Code of Conduct. More information will be available at TPB website

At present, the following table from the TPB website shows the services BAS agents can currently offer.

ServiceBAS serviceNot a tax agent service or BAS serviceApplying to the Registrar for an ABN on behalf of a client. XInstalling computer accounting software without determining default GST and other codes tailored to the client. XCoding transactions, tax invoices and transferring data onto a computer program for clients through processes that require the interpretation or application of a BAS provision.XCoding transactions, tax invoices and transferring data onto a computer program for clients through processes that do not require the interpretation or application of a BAS provision.XConfirming figures to be included on a client’s activity statement.XCompleting activity statements on behalf of an entity or instructing the entity which figures to include.XGeneral training in relation to the use of computerised accounting software not related to client’s particular circumstances.XPreparing bank reconciliations.XEntering data without involvement in or calculation of figures to be included on a client’s activity statement. XConfirming the withholding tax obligations for the employees of a client. XServices declared to be a BAS service by way of a legislative instrument issued by the TPB.XPreparation and provision of a payment summary that may include reportable fringe benefits amounts and the reportable employer superannuation contributions.XRegistering or providing advice on registration for GST or PAYG withholding.XServices under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 to the extent that they relate to a payroll function or payments to contractors.XDetermining and reporting the superannuation guarantee shortfall and associated administrative fees.XDealing with superannuation payments made through a clearing house.XCompleting and lodging the Taxable payments annual report to the ATO on behalf of a client.XSending a TFN declaration to the Commissioner on behalf of a client.

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