The ATO has published what pre-fill information is available for this Tax Time. It says practitioners can use its pre-filling service to cross-check information provided by your clients with data held by the ATO. This will help ensure the accuracy of returns. ATO announces what’s new in pre-filling
Pre-filling information is available through the Tax Agent Portal and the practitioner lodgment service(PLS).
The pre-filling service 2017 includes the following updates and new data:
reportable fringe benefits and working holiday maker data from payment summarieswork-related expense messages indicating if your clients made higher than expected claims last year (only available in the portal)primary and non-primary production closing stock amounts (only available in the portal) and private health insurance tax claim codes (only available in the PLS) from prior-year tax returnsmessage for some government payment typesinvestment company capital gain deductions from dividend incomeshare of early stage investor tax offset, foreign resident capital gains withholding and exploration credits from managed fund distributionsnet rental property loss and share of early stage investor offset from partnership distributions incomeaddress and contract information from property transfersinterest offset account indicator for net farm management deposits or repaymentsremoval of type of policy from Medicare levy surchargerepayable amounts for student start-up loansadditional data from the myDeductions app uploaded by your clients (only available in the PLS).
Remember, the pre-filling service only reflects the information received by the ATO at the date you request the data. The ATO reminds practitioners that it expects most pre-filling information to be available by mid-August.
For a more detailed list of what is provided with pre-filling, see this ATO webpage.
ATO announces what’s new in pre-filling ATO announces what’s new in pre-filling ATO announces what’s new in pre-filling